Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Layla and I had such a great time! I'm so glad she came...it reminded me of some of the sanity I had before I started PA school. Did you know that there's a mall in Houston...well, a few, but I finally got to go to one of them! She came in on Friday evening, we had dinner, then went to see Secretariat at the movie theater. It was SO good! It made me want a pony even more, but Ryan was fully prepared for that reaction. I keep telling him that's what's on my Christmas/Birthday wish list, but he keeps telling me that I can get one after I graduate. Booooo. Anyways, Saturday, Ryan and I took Layla down to the island to show her around and we had lunch at one of the local restaurants. Then, Ryan headed to work and Layla and I headed out shopping! Can you say TROUBLE!? I've been deprived for months, so just letting me loose was probably not a good idea. We started at DSW in search of shoes, then headed to the Galleria, which turned into an adventure. I parked at the Dillards, then was informed that although I could see the Galleria from the parking lot, Dillards was in fact not really part of the mall. Who seriously designs stuff like that?! So we packed back up and tried again for the mall. Strike two...kinda. I ended up in the hotel portion, ran away from the valet guys, and made some sort of an illegal u-turn. And almost did a "Dukes of Hazzard" move as we got into the parking lot because I didn't see the dip in the driveway...oops, sorry Layla! Try again...we took quite a round-about way so we were on the right side of the road and finally found the parking garage where everyone was just sitting in line. I'm sorry, I wanted to PARK in the PARKing garage! Get out of my way!!! By the time we finally parked, I was tired and ready to go home. This is why I don't venture out much. We combed through the mall, which was disgustingly busy, but found nothing worth purchasing. That mall is NOT designed well by any means. But it's ok because Layla had her first experience in Tiffany's-every girl can use a little retail therapy in Tiffany's. Oh yeah, there were 2 quincinera's at the mall...lots off teenagers, 2 big ball gowns, and oh so many people everywhere! Arg. So then we headed (where else?!) to the Container Store because you can always find something worth buying there, then we met Ryan for dinner and had some yummy dessert at BJ's Brewhouse. She had to head back home on Sunday...sad face :(. Finding the airport and manuevering that was easier than the danged mall! So her visit was short, but I'm so glad she came and we had a lot of fun! It really helped rejuvenate me. Thanks Layla!

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