Tuesday, October 12, 2010


And just in case you were wondering how truly nerdy I am...

Check out this video on YouTube. A few keys during the video:
1. Bates is a textbook. Bates is THE textbook (besides Patho of course). Bates basically gives us the why and how to the physical exam which is our bread and butter. You live, eat, breathe Bates.
2. "Capture your kidney" is part of our physical exam requirements. Have you ever tried to do it? Not so easy!!
3. They're dead serious when they say that we have to get B's in order to pass. To put this in perspective, you have to have a 3.0 in all your classes to graduate. I totally understand why and it's entirely feasable, but GEEZ! Talk about a rough ride...
4. Sadly, nothing I saw in this video did I consider "out of the ordinary." You think they're being dramatic? Nope...this is a pretty fair representation. Haha!


Parody of "Low" by Flo Rida from the Emory PA class of 2010 documenting their first year of Physician Assistant training. DISCLAIMER: This music video was written, recorded, filmed and produced by students and in no way reflects the opinions, ideas, or mission of Emory University, Emory University School of Medicine, or Emory University Physician Assistant program.

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