Sunday, November 11, 2012


That's right folks...I PASSED PANCE (boards)! I cannot express how happy I am or the satisfaction that comes with it. I am so thankful for your many thoughts and prayers, I definitely felt them. THANK YOU! #Blessed.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


All right, I need you! Boards are on Saturday. In less than 48 hours, I will have completed what is essentially the most important test of my life. I need your prayers, your happy thoughts, your rain dances, your good JuJu...whatever it is you do, please send it my way! I would love to be able to tell you when I leave the testing center how it went, but apparently they think it's entertaining to see us suffer until they decide to release scores. It will likely be a few weeks before I know anything, and don't worry, you will for sure know if I passed! Everyone who sees me that day (and probably a few days following...) will be informed. Whether they know me or not. Quite frankly, whether they care or not :) LET'S DO THIS! Ok, confession time...I am actually kind-of excited about the test (and NO...I am not intoxicated or drugged up! I may have lost my marbles, but that's nothing new). I mean, this is what I've been working towards for how many years, right? Once I get this out of the way, I can finally do what God has been preparing me to do. I can share my joy, my passion, my knowledge, my gift. And that makes me very happy. It makes me smile knowing it's all so close and it makes me proud to look back and see what all I've accomplished to get here. I am so excited to find out how He will use me in the months and years to come, and passing this test is the beginning of it all. See? Now who couldn't help but be a little excited? Confession #2...I'm also super excited about having time to finally clean out and organize our giant storage unit that is packed to the gills. That thing has my OCD all kinds of messed up. Ok, that's enough confession time for now. Well, one more...confession #3...I think I've had too much Red Bull. :)