Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Oh my, if this isn't mischief at it's finest...

I don't even know what to say about six year-old little sister is flirting, and has him wrapped around her little finger already!

Me and Ryan at one of my birthday dinners

 Seeeesters! At Alex and Vic's baby shower

Alex and Victoria at the baby shower. Aren't they the cutest?!

Me and my cuz :)

This is the apartment that was on fire that I mentioned in my previous post

Aimee on our day-o-fun! Isn't she just precious? And looks innocent, huh? Love her and that toothless smile...shenanigans and all.


Ok, here goes a soap-box moment. If you don't like my soap-box moments, go on and scroll ahead. You ever hear someone say how busy they are, all the time...and you know how hard it is to wipe that "really, you're THAT busy?" look off your face before they notice? I'd like to think I've had my share of busy with living in 3 metroplexes, 9 moves in 8 years, getting a Master's degree, being on medical rotations (i.e. having a new home every 4 weeks), getting/being married, family, etc. BUT, I also realize that I consciously choose my priorities. If I'm too busy for one thing, it's because I've chosen something else to do with my time. For a while, I was "too busy" for many things because I was planning my wedding, which was my priority then. I'm "busy" now because I choose to study for my impending board exams. I was "too busy" to update this very blog because school and sleep came first.  It just irks me and makes my skin crawl when I hear people tell me how busy they are, but that's all they say. Really, what keeps you so busy? I get it, we are all busy. But you have to take some responsibility (yes, that word that has been lost in translation in today's society...) for that and realize that you choose your priorities and where you want to spend your time first. I've realized that "busy" is really just an excuse meaning "whatever else just wasn't a priority." Whether it's being too busy for church, too busy to sleep, too busy for a vacation, too busy to catch up with or visit friends or family, too busy to lose weight, whatever it is... It also irks me when I talk to someone and ask what they have been up to, and the response I get is, "We've just been so busy!" Well really? You think that's why I called? Why don't you fill me in on what's been keeping you so busy? And if you can't answer that question...I guess you aren't as busy as you think you are. I know who has school, a family, interesting jobs, volunteering projects, etc...don't tell me how busy you are, tell me about the AWESOME things that keep you so damned busy. Because if you are choosing them over doing other things, they must be awesome, Right? I think if I ever have kids, the word "busy" will be on the bad word list and they won't be allowed to use it. It's a useless word that covers up what you really mean and helps you make excuses.
Disclaimer: I'm not perfect! I know I've used "busy" before, and yes, I've used it as an excuse before. I've even used it here on this blog! But I'm setting a goal for myself to stop using it, especially as a cop-out.


Hey guys! Long time, no see. I was reading my last post about graduating in August...well, it's August! And I graduate in 2 days! I'm excited beyond words! It's hard to believe it's actually here. Seems like just a few days ago we packed up our Euless apartment and headed to Galveston. I'll try to get some pics posted pretty quickly from the ceremony and from festivities down on the island. I have received just an outpouring of support and congratulations from family and friends, and for that I cannot thank you enough. This journey has been long and grueling, but it would have been just awful without the support from yall. Thank you for being there for me through the good, bad, and ugly! And trust me, there was definitely some ugly in there! lol
The past month has mainly been studying (A LOT of studying...) and a few trips down to the island for class, for a test, or to work on our research project. They've kept me surprisingly busy. I took a little time off to watch Aimee (my little sister) in a pep rally to show off what she learned at a week of cheer camp. Ryan and I also trekked out to see Sofi (a family friend) compete in a horse show. Aimee and Sofi are almost the same age, but one thing's for sure...they are growing up so fast! And they are beautiful, intelligent, talented girls. The world is absolutely at their fingertips! I'm very proud of both of them. Speaking of proud, I'm also very proud of Ryan! He got a new job! Now, I know what you're thinking...didn't he just get a new job when we moved up here in May? Well, yes. He took a job and really liked it at first. But it didn't quite work out the way we had hoped. I may be just a teeny bit biased, but my husband is an awesome golfer, he's hard-working, and he has terrific people skills that some of us only dream of having. And being promised a job that utilizes those aspects is perfect! Until you figure out they're not really going to utilize those gifts. I don't think that first job let him perform to his true abilities, and I think it held him back in the realms of business, golf (i.e. PGA stuff, playing, etc), and personally. He's been working really hard for over a year on a program through the PGA to become a "Class A" golf professional, but this first course didn't meet the necessary requirements for him to continue that program (now that he's about half-way through...). So when he got a call out of the blue from an application he submitted back in April/May from a prestigious, established course in Fort Worth, he went for it! He interviewed, and they just loved him (but who doesn't?!), and he got the job. He is so much happier with this place! It benefits him in every way possible and was most certainly the right move for us. I love seeing that smile on his face :)
So what else? My birthday came and went. I'm 26 now. Woo hoo. Can't you just feel my enthusiasm? In all actuality, it was low-key, which is just the way I like it, and perfect for this crazy year. My parents took us to BJ's (PIZOOKIE!) and we went with Ryan's parents to Uncle Julios. Ryan and I tried a new hibachi place that was delicious! So we got to spend some quality time with everyone and just relax and enjoy ourselves. What more could you ask for?
Have you ever been in a situation and just got the heebie-jeebies? I had one of those the other day. I was driving on the highway and noticed smoke. It looked like a house/apartment fire, and sure enough, it was. The eerie part was it was my and Ryan's old complex...the building next door to be exact! That was his first apartment in Arlington, right after we started dating. Maverick's first home. It's just weird to see it on fire. Now, our particular unit wasn't on fire. But you could stand back to watch the fire and see our unit in the same panoramic view. It made me so sad, but it also made me so happy that God moved us out of that complex a long time ago. I started to recall some of the sweetest memories there. Maverick playing in the yard outside, poor Ryan hobbling up those stairs after his surgery, me and Ryan just getting our footing as a couple. How many times did I park right here on the street and sit in that apartment with Ryan and Mav? How many times did Ryan walk me out to my car and kiss me goodnight, right here? Then, I realized how far we'd come in the 8 years we've been together. It was just this flood of emotion and the surreal feeling that we COULD have still been living there. Thank you, God, for taking such great care of us.
My cousin Alex and his girlfriend Victoria are expecting a baby girl (Alexis Jade) in September! We are so very happy for them. Mom and I had their baby shower at the house, and it was perfect! Lots of people, gifts, and yummy food. I think it's safe to say we all had a great time, and they got lots of gifts they'll be using before they know it. Everyone is just so happy for them, and we truly wish them the best. Congrats guys! Love ya.
Mom and I took a day after the shower to have a girls day...Chick-Fil-A, pedicures, shopping, and we even snuck in a margarita. Then we had dinner with Grandpa. Oh Grandpa, that man never ceases to amaze me...and he keeps me on my toes. I love him so much and really enjoyed getting to spend some time with him. Soon after that, Ryan and I took Aimee for an end-of summer day-of-fun! We had donuts for breakfast, spent FOUR hours at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History, had some lunch, then played board games back at the house. I just love getting to spend time with her like that. She's growing up way too fast-she'll be starting first grade in just a week!
See why we missed living here so much? But I'd have to say, moving away (twice...) and going without seeing family like this helped me and Ryan both realize where our priorities are and how much we WANT to live back here in DFW.
Ok, so I think those are the big updates. I'll get some pics posted soon. Have a great day!