Tuesday, August 9, 2011


So maybe from my last post, you were wondering why my weekend wasn't very restful? I mean, I was plenty tired! It's because that Thursday, we got the keys to our new house. That meant that all week, we had been working on getting electricity, gas, tv, internet, water, etc. all turned on, working with the realtor, and getting our condition forms all completed. So we did all that along with the usual schedule of my clinic, studying, and working on my paper and Ryan's work schedule. We offered to help Heather get moved in since it would only be her and her mom, so we spent most of Saturday doing that. Then at about 2 AM on Sunday morning while eating a healthy pizza breakfast, we came to the conclusion that Sunday would be a good day for us to move into the house, too. Heather had a truck and we all had each other's help...so why not? :/ So we went home, got a few hours of sleep, went to church, then attempted to pack up our apartment. We packed stuff in suitcases, plastic bins, and left-over boxes from Heather. Probably the most interesting packing job I've ever done-and yes, it beat out the time I packed our kitchen after consuming a bottle of wine. LOOONNNNNGGGG day, but we did it! We got most everything into the house, and Jason and Ryan finished up on Monday. We have all been so busy, that we didn't get the gas turned on for a week (which meant cold showers and no stove or oven) and didn't get the cable on for about 2 weeks. We also just figured out how to make the alarm system stop beeping at us all the time and how to program the garage doors so we can actually put cars in the garage. We still have the apartment, so we've been periodically running over and cleaning it out so hopefully we can get our deposits back. I guess life's just not fun without a little chaos...because apparently PA school just isn't enough! But the house is working out really well, and I'm glad we decided to do this.

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