Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I ventured out on a field trip to Petsmart today with 2 of my 3-ring circus entertainers. They whined the whole way there-I'm pretty sure they were upset about where we were going because last time we got in the car, we moved to Houston. I can't say I blame them. So we get to Petsmart and Mav jumps out of the car and poops right in front of the store. He obviously couldn't have done that at home when I gave them the opportunity to potty. To make it better, I went to get a bag out of the station, and there were no bags so I could pick up! Arg! So we go inside, and Mav is of course sniffing every single display, treat and toy. I turn around, and Goose has spied the birds and small pets...and has started stalking them. We investigate half of the store, then make it to the back of the store. I see the stuff I need for Mav (a collar so he won't lick a hot-spot he has) and head that way...he apparently thinks it's acid and acts like I'm murdering him when I try to try it on him. While he is having a spaz attack, Goose is running circles around me and wrapping me up in her leash, then she hits up the cardboard box with stuffed toys in it and decides that having one is a top priority. We re-organize to try to make it through the rest of the store and peruse the toy and treat aisles. Goose has already picked her prize out, and Mav picks up 90-pound guard dog picked up a 4-inch squeaky, stuffed football. I swear, it was one of the smallest toys they had, and it was the last one they had left-he literally dug it out. Oh well, whatever makes that crazy guy happy. So we go check out, and the nice cashier lady offers both dogs a treat. Mav is scared to pieces, won't take the treat, and instead takes shelter behind me. Goose on the other hand (mind you, she is my sweet-natured, calm, quiet, ever-trustworthy little girl) GRABS the treat out of the lady's hand! I deal with her, then turn around to check on poor scared Mav who is still plastered to my backside. I turn back around to find that Goose has cornered this poor cashier into her station and is basically executing a hold-up for treats! I reprimand her, release the cashier from her being a hostage, and find that Mav has been scared even further into my backside by the innocent lady placing her items on the belt behind us. I nearly threw my credit card at the cashier and told her just to sign it for me so we could LEAVE! Then, she spouts of with "Aw, apparently he (meaning Mav) is the quiet, calm, and subdued one." OMG. Anyone who has ever even met my dogs knows how backwards that is. He may be sweet as can be, but to say he is the calm and subdued one and my sweet Goosey is the demanding, not-scared-to-be-social one...seriously, who traded out my dogs for these guys? These are not the dogs I know. Time to load up the circus and head back home...

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