Saturday, June 4, 2011


Ok, so remember that hot-spot I was talking about on Mav's underside? The reason for needing a collar and thus our fieldtrip? Well, I'm putting some meds on it daily and really don't want him licking the spot or the meds, so the e-collar was what was suggested in that scenario. I put it on him the correct way and the poor dog just freaked out. He wouldn't sit still, was running into everything, and was scared to pieces. But I knew if I took the collar off, he'd just lick! So this was our compromise...
Now, the next day, he wouldn't wear the collar like that again. Our compromise that day was to have him wear it the correct way, but he could lay up on the bed and watch tv. Normally, the dogs aren't allowed on the bed or I guess he saw this as a treat. Plus, he couldn't really run into anything up there.
I am interested to see what day 3 holds as far as compromises go...I can't believe I'm bargaining with my dog! Oh well, I guess you gotta pick your battles. And I'd much rather give a little and have him get better than be a stickler and he'd still have those spots.

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