Friday, April 8, 2011


So now that my brain has had about 8 hours to relax, I realized that I never updated you on my rotations! You know, the next year of my life! Kinda important (to me, at least). The fabulous news is that only about 2 months will be spent away from home without Ry and the pups, and 3 of those weeks will be in the Dallas area so I can stay with my family and get to visit with them for a while. Even better...I start in primary care, then graduate to surgery/ER, and my grand finale is OB/GYN and Pedi. Some of my poor classmates have to start in the ER and some other crazy stuff like that. There are lots of us and not really a lot of options, so every year a few people get the short end of the stick in that manner, but we all end up getting done what needs be done. So in short, we get to stay in our apartment and I won't have to be moving a bunch or spend most of my time out of town, which is absolutely awesome! I'm looking forward to all of my rotations for the unique learning experiences at each, but the one I'm probably most looking forward to is my oncology rotation at MD Anderson. Oncology is a strong field of interest for me, so we will just have to see what awaits! And to my UTSW peeps...I'm not cheating on you with MDA. It's part of my education and it's going to make me a better PA, I promise. Love you guys! So ya, I have plenty to be looking forward to! So blessed!

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