Friday, April 22, 2011


Explorer tried, but it just couldn't go. I went down one morning ready to head to school, and it just wouldn't start. :( So I took Ryan's truck to school, and luckily he had the day off, so he could look it over to see if he could find out what's wrong. His best guess what that it was the battery. He asked when the last time I got the battery replaced was...ummm...ya, about that... I offered to stop at a store and pick up a new one, but he informed me that he couldn't get the battery out because the terminals were too corroded. I asked if we could jump it, and he said no because of the corrosion. do you make a car go if you can't fix what's wrong? Apparently, you call the local shop and they come get it and tow it in. Then, they laugh and have to use a machine that resembled a jack-hammer to get the old battery out. Then, they give you a 7-year warrantied battery for your 12 year old car with 170K miles on it in hopes that "the battery will outlive the car, so we never have to go through this again." Yup, words from the shop owner. I make fun, but they were really super nice and took great care of us. Ryan insisted on taking this picture below...of the new and the old terminals. Gee, I wonder if you can tell which is which. See the pretty blue and rust on the top one? That's called corrosion. Lesson learned...

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