Sunday, April 17, 2011


Ok, so far, Great Syndromes=greatness. Instead of taking 7 classes at a time and being in class Mon-Fri 8A-5P, I'm in class about 4 days a week 8A or 9A til 11A. Of course, I still have to study at home, but now I'm studying for one class instead of 7! I barely know what to do with myself-I've been able to run and work out, keep the apartment clean, and even squeak in a nap or two! (But don't tell my professors...) I even had time to take a horseback riding lesson this week! So ya, it's not too bad so far, but I guess that can always change at the drop of a hat.
Now for something I'm not going to get used to...I don't know what happened on Saturday, but apparently people lost their minds that day. Seriously, like everyone. Ryan and I treated ourselves to a movie, but the operator fell asleep I guess. The projection wasn't big enough to cover 1/2 the screen and it kept skipping like it had a bad internet connection or like a CD does when it's scratched. They eventually got it fixed, but don't think I didn't raise a fuss until it was fixed, and I wasn't the only one following the manager around complaining about it. When it costs so much to see a movie, I expect it to go smoother than that! So then we went to dinner-mind you, at 5:30, a perfectly normal dinner time, in a pretty crowded restaurant. Waitstaff was less than mediocre-they couldn't even get our salads out at the same time, there were flies, a guy vacuumed right behind us then yelled at one of the workers across the restaurant, and right in my line of sight was a really nice aquarium-which was supposed to be a plus, but when all I could see was one fish eating another dead fish the whole time...I lost my appetite pretty quickly. Multiple people notified many of the workers, but apparently nobody working at the restaurant cared to fix the situation. The food was of about the same quality as the waitstaff and other workers. Great job, Cheddars...stellar performance. Ryan and I went to Target afterwards because usually Target cheers me up, but even that was a fail because a nearby store was hosting a classic car show in the parking idiots were amuck in the parking lot and they ventured into Target when they got bored. Even the police decided to park their car "out of the way" in the middle of a main lane of traffic. No lights, it wasn't for direction...they just parked it there. So I bought a bottle of wine at Target, came home and locked the door, and enjoyed the peace of watching a movie on our own TV with the hubs. I'm staying in today.

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