Ok, I know I still have these 2 classes to finish and boards to take, but I'm already starting to think about what to do after the dust settles and I land a job. I've been working day in and day out for the past 2 years, if it all suddenly stops after boards/before work...I'll go nutty! Here's what has made the short list: cooking, running, and horses.
I have been compiling a cook book as I try new recipes. If you have awesome recipes and are willing to share, please send them my way! Yall know I'm domestically challenged, so I'm doing my best here. On that note, none of the recipes are terribly difficult, so it's been totally practical. It's been kinda fun...some days, it's also been really bad some days! lol If it picks up steam, I'll try to get them posted...hey, new blog idea!
And running. You know I love to run and always have. I'm thinking about stepping it up a notch and to start competing. Starting small with 5K and 10K races, maybe one or two a month, maybe each one to raise awareness for a different organization (i.e. American Cancer Society, Diabetes Foundation, Leukemia Lymphoma Society, etc.). I'm not sure I care to be a marathoner or do triathlons, but we'll see.
Horses...what?! Yes. I took lessons and had horses when I was little. My sister and I used to ride. I've always wanted to get back into it, and Layla has been a huge help. I'm considering getting into the equestrian world and trying out this jumping or cross country business. But first, we need a house with room to keep the horses, and I need a job so I can pay for the horses! Ryan has also expressed interest in riding, but I don't think he cares to compete. He would want to do trail riding-type stuff and camping. But he did mention doing some volunteer mounted patrol work, and that seems interesting!
So that's that...any other ideas?
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