Friday, April 8, 2011


That's right folks, I have completed my second semester here at PA school! Overall, this semester was still really intense, but a little less intense than last semester. I think I studied about the same amount (maybe just a tiny bit less), but my quality of studying was much better. Plus, I got to spend more time with patients, so that made me happy. I rounded out the semester with 4 A's and an close! When it's that close, you can only laugh and move on. So you may be wondering, what's next? Well, we have four weeks of a course called Great Syndromes with the second year med students. It's a mix of lectures in large groups and small group meetings where we focus on problem-based learning and actual scenarios. After that, we have six weeks of a few courses designed to guide us in our research projects and help prepare us for clinical rotations. THEN...they're sending me out into the real world on clinical rotations. Watch out, world, here I come! I'm pretty intimidated by rotations, but at the same time, I'm really looking forward to using all of this stuff I've been taught in lecture and read in textbooks over the last year. Let the adventure continue...God is so good!

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