Holy Guacamole, Shennanigans, and a whole lot more to come! This is definitely going to be an adventure...
Monday, December 27, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Ryan's parents...and Aimee
Saturday, November 27, 2010
So that was Thanksgiving for us! A little non-traditional, especially for us, but it worked out. We definitely did NOT brave any Black Friday shopping. Partially because I just didn't want to, but also because I was almost finished with my Christmas shopping before Thanksgiving anyways. Hopefully next year it will work out a little better and we can spend the holiday with our families.
So with a few days off school, last week was pretty light! We only had one assignment due and no tests or presentations...I didn't know what to do with myself! On Tuesday, we had an awesome pot-luck and got to just sit and enjoy great food and everyone's company. We work so hard and we're always busy, so it was nice to slow down for a little while and just enjoy it. That's really about it school-wise for last week! Now, we just have to get ready for White Coat ceremony on Friday and start preparing for finals. Yup, we are heading into Week 14 which means that Finals begin! Holy guacamole, is this really the light at the end of this semester's tunnel?! I'm keeping my fingers crossed and my nose in my books hoping that it's the good kind of light, and not the train coming to smack me kind of light.
I had a few realizations/accomplishments this week...
1. I can shower, dry my hair, fix my hair, do my make up, and be nicely dressed and ready to go in 45 minutes. :) That makes me happy.
2. I can walk on a 4-inch balance beam in 4-inch heels! That's talent right there...
3. I redeemed myself! So most of you probably know that I'm domestically challenged. I can build stuff, take something apart and put it back together, ride a horse, and get a 30 on a last-minute MCAT without having studied...but ask me to cook and I fall to pieces, hurt myself, and catch stuff on fire. So you may remember a little incident I had a while back where I got into an argument with a steak knife while trying to make pizza (Yes, you read that right. Pizza and steak knife...I was attempting to open a bottle of olive oil.), and the steak knife won against my hand so we got to make a fun trip to the ER. Well something got into me on Friday night and I decided to try this whole cooking thing again. Ryan was at work, and what we had decided on for dinner really didn't sound good. I knew he wouldn't be up to catering to my every whim when he got done working Black Friday, so I got creative! I made a spicy chicken alfredo pizza from scratch. Yup, I made the dough, made the alfredo sauce, and even cooked and cut up the chicken. All without incident! Well...kinda. I screwed up the pre-packaged pizza dough. I hadn't planned on making my own pizza dough, but I had no other option at that point. And through it all, I didn't manage to hurt myself or anyone else, catch anything on fire, or sound the smoke alarms! And the best part...it was actually edible!!! I must admit, I'm pretty proud of myself right about now. :)
Change of pace here...some of you may know Stefanie Limerick. She and I went to Concordia together and she's one of my best friends. She's also a strong source of inspiration in my life. She's strong, passionate, determined, hard-working, too smart for her own good, and like any good scientist, she's just a little bit crazy. Not to mention, she has the cutest kid in the whole wide world! We try to keep eachother driven, grounded, on the right track, and focused, but we can also share in each other's nerdy (but awesome!) accomplishments and enjoy these crazy roller-coaster lives we each lead. She helps me understand the things in life that just don't make sense and she helps me find my voice and my drive when I feel like they're gone. I don't know what I would do without this girl! As I near the end of the semester, she's been feeding me motivational lines, so I thought I'd share a few of them with you! This week's line: "Chance favors the prepared mind," by Louis Pasteur. It's perfect as I get into this last long-stretch of tests.
So now I get to spend the rest of the weekend enjoying the beautiful weather through my window while I start studying for finals and getting ready for company later this week.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Here's the bedroom. Hey Sue, does the bed set look familiar? She got it for us one year for Christmas. And the bed came from my mom. This way, we still have a bed with sheets set up for us when we come back to DFW to visit.
Here's my office/sunroom. This part worked out perfectly, and the fuzzy kids can nap on the couch right next to me as I study.
Another view of my office-see, I really do use it! Please take note of the awesome palm tree right outside my window. :) And yes, that's an exercise ball. I sit on it when I'm getting bored studying to help keep me awake. This is also the desk where I keep my stash of chocolate to bribe me to stay put.
Me and Ryan at the wedding
One of the gorgeous centerpieces at the reception
Sunday, October 31, 2010
We were also serenaded by a mariachi band! They did a great job! The night ended with a car-ful of people reminding Ryan to drive carefully...first, I said it. Then, Scott and Sarah echoed with "remember, you have precious cargo!" and Dan rounded out the group with the best line..."that's right, tonight you have 4 eggs in your basket!" We all about died laughing, and I'm surprised Ryan didn't try to find a cliff to drive us all off of...
Saturday was the big day! The guys did their thing, which mostly consisted of getting dressed, managing to not get dirty, and arriving on time. Ben and Ryan helped Andrew with a few last minute things before they all headed to Sonterra. The girls did theirs...hair, make up, etc. We all had some great hair styles thanks to Kelly's awesome hairdresser! Before we knew it, it was time to start pictures. Kelly first, then add in the bridesmaids, then family pictures. Then it was Andrew's turn. I love that they held to the tradition of not seeing eachother that day until the ceremony! People started arriving and just about before we could blink, the wedding coordinator came in and told us it was time to line up. The wedding party looked great, all the parents were so happy and glowing, Andrew was all dolled up and as handsome as ever (and trying so hard not to cry), but Kelly took the prize...I don't even have words to describe how gorgeous she was. She was a dream or like a fairy tale. She came down the aisle...Mr. Fetzer by her side so proud! He handed her to Andrew, then both Kelly's dad and Andrew's dad teared up and anyone that could see them just about lost it. The pictures they got with the scenery and sunset behind them were to die for! Andrew and Kelly were glowing, the ceremony and scenery were amazing, everyone was so happy...it was just perfect. After the ceremony, they had the usual picture sessions, then we all headed to the reception, which was a blast! We danced, had some delicious dinner, made very good use of the candy bar, and again, people made speeches it seemed with the intent to make everyone tear up...successfully again. We sent them off in style with sparklers! What an end to a great day. Andrew and Kelly are married! Congrats again, thank you so much for letting us be part of your special day, everything was amazing, and we love you!
I'll post a few pictures once the camera makes it back home...it's still en route with Ryan.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Check out this video on YouTube. A few keys during the video:
1. Bates is a textbook. Bates is THE textbook (besides Patho of course). Bates basically gives us the why and how to the physical exam which is our bread and butter. You live, eat, breathe Bates.
2. "Capture your kidney" is part of our physical exam requirements. Have you ever tried to do it? Not so easy!!
3. They're dead serious when they say that we have to get B's in order to pass. To put this in perspective, you have to have a 3.0 in all your classes to graduate. I totally understand why and it's entirely feasable, but GEEZ! Talk about a rough ride...
4. Sadly, nothing I saw in this video did I consider "out of the ordinary." You think they're being dramatic? Nope...this is a pretty fair representation. Haha!
Parody of "Low" by Flo Rida from the Emory PA class of 2010 documenting their first year of Physician Assistant training. DISCLAIMER: This music video was written, recorded, filmed and produced by students and in no way reflects the opinions, ideas, or mission of Emory University, Emory University School of Medicine, or Emory University Physician Assistant program.
Rachel and I got the BEST job!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Yes, that's a cruise ship. Now, don't get me wrong...I would LOVE to go on a cruise! And that it's so convenient is just awesome. But that's exactly the problem! Every week, usually on a Thursday, I have to drive by this stinkin thing and watch all the happy people go get on their pretty little cruise ship for a week-long vacation. I drive past them and just think that they're going to go enjoy new places, the sun, and just have a fantastic time. And I get to go sit in my classroom for the next 8 hours, then on Friday I'll spend half the day in a classroom and half the day in lab doing dissections. Thank goodness this doesn't usually occur on Mondays, or my friends might just have to drag me back off the cruise ship kicking and screaming. I'm only being mean because I'm jealous. I know those people go have a great time, and I can't wait to go sometime...probably after I graduate. I've tried to put it in this perspective: if I see the cruise ship once per week, that's one week (and one cruise ship) closer to when I can actually go join those people! One day...:)
Sunday, September 26, 2010
1. Shannon: "...but you can call me Sunshine! And when the sun goes down, you can call me Starrrrr."
2. Kelly (as we are INSIDE the hotel): "Lauren, are we HERE yet?"
3. Ashley: "I almost flew fighter planes. Yup, they almost trusted me with multi-million dollar death machines. Then they figured out I was blind. So that's how I ended up in law school."
4. Me: "Well does it have wheels!?"
5. Amanda (to Cat): "Well, someone has come out of her shell! She's getting a little fiesty!!"
6. Cat: "NO! It's a mouse!" Followed by Shannon: "Whatever, it's some kind of rodent." They were talking about a stuffed animal. It got surprisingly heated! Haha
7. And of course via story..."TRAVIS!!!"
Sunday, September 19, 2010
My big accomplishment for the week was my first blood draw! Yay! It was my first attempt, and I nailed it! For those of you wondering, no, I did not have my usual adverse reaction to needles. Apparently that's only when I'm the one being stuck. I'm so excited and was so proud of myself! Thanks, Erik for being my pin-cushion!
I guess that's about it for now. If you don't hear from me in a week or so, you can most likely blame my Clin Med and Pathophys exams this week and my Physical Diagnosis exam check off. If you don't hear from me in 2 weeks or so, you may want to call Ryan and check in with him, as I probably won't be up for talking about how it went! Haha
Sunday, September 12, 2010
The stats have been posted to the UTMB website for my class' admissions. It makes me feel pretty good that out of that many people, I'm actually here. It makes everything all seem SO worth it and really motivates me when I notice my ADD (and the pretty palm tree right outside my window) taking over my studying. Yay, it's like a fresh dose of focus and confidence!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Week 2
Friday, September 10, 2010
Monday went relatively smoothly. Got to the school in good time, parking was smooth, made it to the right classrooms, etc. I was extremely surprised (pleasantly) by the few classes we had that day-I really hate to say this in fear of what may lie ahead-but I was a bit underwhelmed. I left that day feeling like I had missed something. I expected to be nearly in tears, needing to study for 10 hours that evening, and feeling like I'd gotten myself in too deep.
Tuesday was a bit more like it. I felt challenged by some of the topics, but still not overwhelmed. I certainly needed to study, but it was all do-able. And to reflect on my previous post, at this point I STILL had not received any of my financial aid. Rent is due tomorrow. I think that was more stressful than the classes themselves.
Wednesday was bad. I was not happy. I threw myself a pity party. I wasn't to the point of crying just yet, but I definitely shut down. Thank goodness Wednesdays are half-price fajita night at Pappasitos, and you just can't leave Pappasitos without having had a margarita. I might have had no money, but at least the margarita provided some temporary sanity and made it bearable for a short period of time. It was especially nice to do something not school-focused.
Thursday was better. I finally got some of the financial aid money, and the classes didn't seem quite as overwhelming. I was still trying to figure out how I was going to study best and I still needed my routine, but it was at least coming in bits and pieces.
Friday was pretty good. Only 1 class and 1 lab, plus I got to relax and go to lunch with some friends. And I made it through anatomy lab! Yay! The smell was a bit intense, but I did better than I thought I'd do. As far as the smell goes, I changed clothes when I got out of lab before I drove home, changed again when I got home, worked out and ran for 45 minutes, showered with scented shampoo and body wash...and was still catching whiffs of the preservative solution that night. I'm going to have to find some mechanism to deal with that one...
Saturday I met with my study group for the first time. There is just so much material to cover, that if we tried to do it all individually and do it as thoroughly as we'd all like, we wouldn't sleep and we'd be eating apples while we shower like Holly. The point of the study group (as I learned...) is to help sort through the abundance of information and get it into some format that's easier to study, while still making sure you hit all the objectives. Getting it from paper to brain is of course still all on the individual, but this helps immensely. Plus, we're all as type-A as eachother, so it works out pretty well. I left that meeting really feeling like this might all be possible! Holy crap, did I really just have that realization!? That meeting made the weekend (a 3-day weekend thanks to Labor Day, I might add!) much less stressful. I honestly think I was way more productive than I'd have been without that meeting-I'd have simply been overwhelmed.
So the good news is...I made it through week one and I'm fairly optimistic! Yay! I don't really have any bad news about that week, but the ugly news is that it's only week one of fifteen. Oh well, one week at a time. :)
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
The drive down here was pretty interesting as well. We loaded the moving truck on Wednesday and decided to just wait and drive the next day. So Ryan drove the big moving truck towing my SUV (a sight in and of itself) for the 5+ hour-long trip through downtown Houston. We decided to tow my car instead of try to drive it because it is 11 years old with 160,000 miles on it...we were afraid that when it saw we were going to Houston, it might just roll over and die. I drove Ryan's truck with Mav, Goose, and Tig. Tig hates car rides and proceeds to meow the entire time-about once every 5 seconds. He kinda sounds like those toys that kids often play with-it's a tube and if you tip it one way, it makes a noise going one way on the music scale (almost an extended "whoop" noise), and if you tip it the other way, the noise goes the other way on the music scale. Well, whether you know what I'm talking about or not, please trust me that it's extremely annoying! Then, the cat starts thrashing around in his crate. The dogs have settled down in the backseat, but the cat is just going nuts in his crate in the front seat, and I had no earthly idea why. He's been on car rides before and didn't attack his crate! Oh, that was another thing, if I tried to put my hand in his crate to soothe him a little, he'd bite me. Jerk. Well come to find out, he needed to poop. And he did. In his crate. We still had 4 hours of driving ahead of us, and my crapped-on cat is sitting in the front seat with me. Isn't that just precious? So I immediately pull off at the next exit and into a Dairy Queen so I can brainstorm on how to get my crapped-on 20-pound cat out of his dog crate without letting him out of the truck and without getting poo on myself, the truck, or either of the dogs who think this is the most interesting thing they've ever seen. My plan of attack was to pull the crate, cat, and all out of the truck and put it all on the ground right next to the truck with the door open, open the crate real quickly, grab the cat in the cleanest spot possible, toss him in the truck, and shut the door real quick. Don't laugh...it made sense at the time. Surprisingly, it worked! And the cat wasn't even a mess at all. However...yall KNOW there had to be another part to that...while I was trying to get the cat out of the crate, my 90-pound Maverick leaps out of the back seat, out of the truck, and right OVER me to escape the truck. Now, my dog is running around the DQ parking lot just steps away from the highway. FREAK OUT TIME! That was one of the few times I used my "mom" voice, heard it, and didn't care. "Maverick Miller, if you don't get your...back in this truck right now!..." Sad day-I'm getting old. But hey, it worked. He came back and jumped right back in the truck with that "I'm sorry, mom..." look on his face and his tail tucked between his legs. Ok, so we are all back in the truck (except the crapped-on crate which got to take a joy ride in the bed of the truck for the rest of the trip), and the cat apparently got his wish to ride like the pups-not in a crate. It was circus.
The rest of the drive was pretty uneventful until we got into Houston and my GPS took me some stupid round-about way to get to the apartment. I'm sorry, I thought this was simple...exit the highway, turnleft, apartment complex on the left. NOPE. We sure did exit and turn left-at the wrong road, followed by a right, followed by missing my next right, some street in an alley of some sort, another right and my GPS told me I had "arrived" at some intersection-no houses, no apartment. Grrreeat...but nonetheless, we all made it safely, and we love the new apartment. I'll get some pics loaded once we finish decorating it.
I love all these girls and am going to miss them more than words can express.